About Cerulean's Games

Cerulean's Games is a website devoted to showcasing my various game design ideas in one place. As a game design hobbyist, my ideas cover a wide range of topics, and this is a convenient place for myself and others to find them in one handy place.

"Ryan, a lot of people make games, but you're different. You make games that other people want to play." ~ Tom Traub paid me the best compliment an amateur game designer can hope to hear.

I am Ryan Hackel. I've been designing games since I was ten. By profession I am an engineer with a B.S. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, a fancy way of saying ship design. I'm also into scuba diving, geocaching, bicycling, kayaking, candlemaking, and coin collecting. More about me can be found at my online journal, The Ryanarium (though I don't use it much anymore).

The design of this website is intentionally minimalist, hand-coded from top to bottom. If this site isn't working for you, please tell me.

email: deeplogic81 at hotmail dot com
user "Cerulean" on BoardGameGeek and SuperDuperGames.ORG
user "Cerulean" on IcehouseGames.ORG (as an admin)
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Last Updated: 6 November 2014

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